Friday, September 29, 2006

Field Trip!

This last weekend was my turn to stay with my brother and his family to help with the new baby. I started out north and west to do some shopping with my sister which included stops at two yarn shops and the international grocery store. We also stopped at the athletic center to visit my brother in law on the job as it was his birthday the following day. My route then turned eastward and it is such a pretty drive to get to my brother's neck of the woods! The fall colors were just starting to turn and it was lovely and cool weather. My niece and I took a little day trip to Austin's Angora Goats and Mohair Farm where I bought some fabulous yarn (more on that later) and just down the lane is an Amish farm where baskets, quilts, preserves, honey, soaps, cereals, etc. are sold via the honor system from a shed alongside the road. We also saw several Amish buggies just parked along the road with women selling items as well as roadside honor system stands selling gourds and squash. My niece and I did some baking together and of course the baby is the best entertainment of all! And did I mention that I drove up there all by myself with the aid of my trusty map AND didn't get lost NOR did I kill anyone? Way to go Katie! I even found my way home via an alternate route so I could stop at another yarn shop!

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