Sunday, August 27, 2006

Tomat Sokker

I don't know why I call these tomato socks, but I just like saying "Tomat Sokker". I had this brilliant idea of packaging all my gift socks into the tomato cartons I use up. I thought it was a cute idea, and of course now I have PILES of plastic cartons piled up in my kitchen. These are for my sister for her birthday. I've been working on them here and there for months and LYING to her when she'd ask, "Oh no, these aren't for anyone special. I just liked the yarn." She LOVES red, so she knew when she saw them that they MUST be for her! I made a lot of progress on them at the Field of Dreams outing, and now that they are finished, I have the next pair already on needles! Portable entertainment I tell ya!

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