Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jelly Roll Jeans

 I am a saver.  My sister will tell you that I am a hoarder but I disagree.  There is a definite crowbar separation between those two things.  I love the idea that you could take something that is no longer useful as it's original intended purpose and use it to make something functional and totally different.  I've had a sack of old jeans sitting in my sewing room for some time.  Some were mine, some were Dave's and a coworker gave me a dozen pairs her son had outgrown.  They all had holes in the knees, pockets ripped out, crotch seams worn away, etc. 

Lopi has ripped up her dog bed cover twice in the short time she's lived with us.  She can't help it though, she is a terrier and terriers need to dig and before she lays down on anything, she has to dig at it to make it just right.  Well I thought a dog bed cover made of denim would be pretty tough and withstand her "bed making".  I set to work cutting 3 inch wide strips out of all the different varieties of jeans and pieced them together jelly roll style and this is what I wound up with.  I think it is quite pretty with all the random shades of blue.
She was running around with her rope toy and just happened to lay on her bed for a moment for me to snap a picture.  What did we do without this nerd?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that looks pretty swell and hope Lopi takes care of it.

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