Sunday, July 14, 2013

 What a lovely few days off I've had.  I finished this pair of socks out of yarn I bought a few years ago in Amsterdam at De Afstap.  I wound it forever ago and of course did not save the label but I know it is Regia.  I loved the colors and have wanted to get busy on these socks for some time.

 I started knitting these in the Minneapolis airport waiting out a blizzard on our way to Reno.  I will wait until fall to wear them.  Souvenir stash socks!
 I had time to play in the kitchen a little.  Here are some cider doughnuts I baked and dipped in sugar rather than the cider glaze.  They made a nice little breakfast treat but we went to the Ramsey County Fair later that day and didn't make very good dietary choices.  They were tasty choices to be sure, just not very healthy!
 We had supper at Dave's parents' house and I baked some lemon bread for dessert.  I'd been wanting to try out these little paperboard loaf pans I got on clearance at Joann Fabrics.  I love these things!  The recipe makes 2 standard bread loaf pans or 4 of these mini loaf pans.  We also gave one to Dave's sister and brother-in-law while they were here helping with shelves and gave one to our neighbors. 

I'd been meaning to make Lopi another dog bed for the living room and finally got around to it.  Dave stuffed it while I made the slip cover.  The fabric came from IKEA and reminded me of Marimekko.  Here she is napping on it.  She is so darned cute!
I finished some booties to post in my Etsy shop and someone was kind of curious when I was taking the pictures!  What a nerd!

1 comment:

Luke and Lisa Fenton said...

I like the dog pictures. You should have used the lopi bootie picture when you were posting on etsy.

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