Sunday, September 03, 2006

Home Sweet Home

I can't nor do I try to claim that I am an Iowa farm girl, but I was on my way home yesterday for my 10 year class reunion and I was just struck by how happy I was to be home in my neck of the woods. There is something about being on that same road I take to get home that just made me nostalgic and I had to stop and take pictures to share with you. I was raised in a farmng community, but I was never reared on a farm. I DID detassel one summer and I DID milk cows in Norway for an afternoon, but that is the closest I have come to "working the land". We have a lot of "windfarms" in our area and I tried to capture a glimpse of them. Labor Day is the summer town "doings" of my hometown and I wanted to get a shot of Main Street with all the flags out, but it POURED down with rain all afternoon. I did run up to the grocery store and before it started raining, I noticed the food stand was already set up, the fire trucks were being polished up, port-a-potties were set up in the park, and many lawns had parade floats parked out front. God bless small towns and all who hail from them! :)


Bitten said...

A lovely, nostalgic and fitting tribute to small town, rural America and those who live there.

Ash said...

So where's the pictures of the reunion?

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